Experts engaged in today’s dialogue:
Key Points of Today’s Podcast:
Professor Wang Lei pointed out that the BRICS mechanism is currently not only a platform for communication among major emerging countries but also gathers the strength of Global South nations. Countries such as the United States and the European Union are paying more attention to BRICS cooperation, reflecting the shift in the current international landscape. Regarding the BRICS summit, Professor Wang believes that it not only focuses on global governance issues but also addresses political, security, and traditional security concerns, while also incorporating cultural exchange topics, making it more comprehensive. Since the BRICS summit is led by emerging countries, it is more attractive to the Global South.
Professor Sun Chenghao asked about the impact of Donald Trump’s second term policies on BRICS cooperation. Professor Wang stated that the influence of the U.S. cannot be ignored, and in the next four years, the BRICS mechanism will face “heavier pressure” from the United States. On issues such as Russia’s proposal to build a BRICS payment system and India and Saudi Arabia’s inclusion in BRICS, the U.S. also exerts influence. At present, BRICS cooperation focuses more on trade, energy, agriculture, and technological innovation. However, due to the rotational presidency system of BRICS, the focus of cooperation within the mechanism may shift.
As for whether the BRICS mechanism can achieve substantial results in global governance, Professor Wang believes it can be observed from two aspects: trade and security. This includes the establishment of the New Development Bank and the promotion of global security regimes, such as pushing for reforms in the United Nations Security Council.
Professor Sun also mentioned that the BRICS mechanism currently faces many doubts and challenges, such as whether the expansion of BRICS will weaken the consensus within the group. In response, Professor Wang believes that the BRICS mechanism has new attributes such as cooperation, openness, and equality. It is not a club based on “common values”, but rather holds an open and inclusive attitude toward welcoming new members.
China, as one of the BRICS member countries, is an important contributor to the mechanism. However, China is not the “power” or the “leader” that decides how the BRICS mechanism operates, but rather a humble and cooperative participant. In terms of the mechanism, BRICS countries have equal voting rights, and in terms of principles, BRICS countries have always adhered to an open and inclusive attitude. In the future, the BRICS cooperation mechanism will continue to follow the principles of the UN Charter, uphold multilateralism, inclusivity, and cooperation, and continue to promote the interests of emerging economies and Global South countries.
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